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Research Participation

"Image of a man in a wheelchair using a smartphone"


We are frequently seeking research participants for our studies.  Visit our Research Participation page to explore current opportunities and learn about ongoing recruitment for research studies. 



Smart Speaker Training

Image of a Smart Speaker

Short Description:  The purpose of this study is to evaluate a new smart speaker training program designed for people with motor and/or visual impairments.

More Information:  View more information on the flyer

Contact:  Paola Esquivel, Study Research Coordinator @

Provider Survey on Mainstream SmartTech 

A powerpoint advertisement for this study

Short Description:  Seeking providers for a research survey to understand providers' experiences delivering interventions involving clients’ use of mainstream technology (MT), like smartphones, apps, smart home tech, and wearables.

Take the Survey now:

Contact:   Megan Griffin, Study Research Coordinator @

Smart Home Technology Service Delivery

Short Description: 
Researchers want to evaluate the feasibility and impact of a smart home technology service provided by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Center for Assistive Technology (CAT). This service is designed to help individuals with disabilities choose and be trained on suitable smart home devices and applications that can assist with various tasks and activities of daily living.

More Information: Smart Home Technology Service PDF Flyer

Contact:  Jessica Boateng, Study Research Coordinator @

Technology and Disability Research Registry 

Short Description: The purpose of the Technology and Disability Research (TDR) registry is to support technology use among persons with disabilities by sharing technology-related research participation opportunities and educational information with persons with disabilities, caregivers, and professionals who provide health or social services to persons with disabilities.

More Information: Technology and Disability Research (TDR) Registry PDF Flyer

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