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Andi Saptono

  • Project Lead [RERC]

Andi Saptono, PhD is an assistant professor in the Department of Health Information Management and has extensive experience in developing and supporting telehealth technologies, as well as implementing various telehealth services at national and international field. His work includes platform to deliver telehealth services; learning health system platform for healthcare and rehabilitation; and personal health record application for mobile technology. He has strong technical qualifications with track record of more than 15 years of hands-on experience in information technology system development, and project and product management, with extensive knowledge in designing innovative, cost-effective solutions for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare and rehabilitation service, and conducting usability studies through the use of formal user-centric approach. His current research interests are Telehealth, Assistive Technology outcome, and m-Health.  Dr. Saptono has served as a project leader in previous RERCs, including RERC on Telerehabilitation and Access. 

Representative Publications

Saptono, A. (2011). Development of an integrated telerehabilitation information management system to support remote wheelchair prescription (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh).

Zhou, L., Saptono, A., Setiawan, I. M. A., & Parmanto, B. (2020). Making self-management Mobile health apps accessible to people with disabilities: qualitative single-subject study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth8(1), e15060.

Saptono, A., Schein, R. M., Parmanto, B., & Fairman, A. (2009). Methodology for analyzing and developing information management infrastructure to support telerehabilitation. International Journal of Telerehabilitation1(1), 39.

Parmanto, B., Saptono, A., & Song, L. (2006). Information summarization and transcoding of biomedical information resources for mobile handheld devices. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 037-051.