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Meredith Karavolis

  • Project Lead [RERC]

Meredith Karavolis, OTR/L, is a research project manager for the Department of Rehabilitation Science and Technology. She graduated from Duquesne University with her Master of Science in Occupational Therapy degree in 2017. She has since worked as a clinical occupational therapist for 7 years in skilled nursing, inpatient rehabilitation, and acute care settings before switching to a research-based role. Meredith uses her clinical experience paired with her knowledge of UX design principles to help coordinate several projects focused on using smart technologies to support individuals with disabilities engage in all sorts of daily occupations.

Representative Publications

Bendixen, R. M., Fairman, A. D., Karavolis, M., Sullivan, C., & Parmanto, B. (2017). A user-centered approach: understanding client and caregiver needs and preferences in the development of mHealth apps for self-management. JMIR mHealth and uHealth5(9), e7136.

Kryger, M. A., Crytzer, T. M., Fairman, A., Quinby, E. J., Karavolis, M., Pramana, G., ... & Dicianno, B. E. (2019). The effect of the interactive mobile health and rehabilitation system on health and psychosocial outcomes in spinal cord injury: randomized controlled trial. Journal of medical Internet research21(8), e14305.

Fairman, A., Karavolis, M., Dicianno, B. E., Crytzer, T., Mueller, E., & Sullivan, C. (2016). Telewellness support systems for spinal cord injury. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy70(4_Supplement_1), 7011515256p1-7011515256p1.