Today many essential services are delivered primarily or exclusively online however if accessibility of those services is not maintained when it's becomes digital then it really does become a barrier instead of an opportunity. Two rules that advanced digital accessibility and inclusion across sectors were announced at a White House briefing on Global Accessibility Awareness Day.
Innovations in Adaptive Gaming
On May 15th, Drew Redepenning (Biomedical Engineer, Assistive Technology and Gaming Practitioner, ST4P team member, and Resident Physician at UPMC) presented a fantastic webinar entitled “Current Trends and Innovations in Adaptive Gaming” for the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA). RESNA is the premier professional membership organization dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of people with disabilities through increasing access to technology solutions.
This new hub will leverage smart technology to improve independence for people with paralysis
As care for individuals with paralysis moves increasingly toward home- and community-based delivery models, the University of Pittsburgh School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS) and School of Medicine continue to lead research innovation with the establishment of the SmartTech Implementation Hub for Paralys
Scoping Review Publication
The Wireless RERC published a scoping review in Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. The review addresses facilitators, barriers, and proposes education and training strategies for clinicians to integrate technology into their practices.